
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Crop Report | Raining Cats & Dogs

I'll confess, I'm not a pro at this crop thing. I am a cattle girl who married into corn and soybeans and I am learning all of this right along with you.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the process of growing crops. My family's house has always been surrounded by my uncle's fields and I was a proud member of Randolph FFA where Ed Terry taught me everything I needed to know, but it's a lot different when it's your money and investment in the ground. I finally get what those economists mean when they talk about "risk."

And I got a little nervous about that risk this last weekend.

From Thursday to Sunday, we got a lot of rain in Southern Minnesota. More like a ton of rain. In fact, I was up at 2 am on Saturday night praying that it would just slow down. Farmers like rain, they don't like flash floods.

However, keep bringin us sunshine for the next week like Mr. Weatherman says and we should survive. Listen to me...I might as well go hang out at the Kenyon coffee shop and gossip about Mother Nature with the veterans.
{Remember these pictures? I took these new ones on Saturday. A lot can change in 5 days!}

By the way, my contributing editor who has done absolutely no contributing to date, said it would be great if I counted how many plants were in a row and how many rows there were so I could tell you the exact number of plants in the above picture. Sounds like fun right? If you have time to do it, let me know what you figure out. I might even give you a contributing editor title. :)

Just keep growing, just keep growing...

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. My husband works for a seed corn company and thats what he does a lot! lol
