I don't know about you but 70 degree weather and sunshine makes weeks in the office seem terrible. I don't know how I am going to handle the summer. Luckily though, I have a new office starting tomorrow with lots of light and sun. Maybe I can get a tan through the window!?
I decided I am going to try to make "High Five For Friday" with Lauren at From My Grey Desk a regular addition to Cows, Corn & Country. Hopefully, as you're reading you find some reasons to celebrate too!
{we had killer seats right behind home plate.} |
High Five #4 goes out to it being 5K week. I am ashamed to admit that I am terribly unprepared and my run Wednesday night went awful. However, I am blaming the bad run on my cold and I am excited to just get it over with. Even if I walk half of it, it's still an accomplishment in my mind...and door prizes and massages at the end! And I also decided that I am signing up for at least one more this summer yet. Any ideas on where or when?
And my last High Five For Friday is for hitting the big 5-0 in followers! Thanks everyone! If you want to follow my blog, you just have to click on "Join This Site" in the upper right hand corner or subscribe via email. To celebrate, I think I am might have my first giveaway next week!
Have a good weekend! The 5K is Sunday morning so while you are at church on Sunday, send a prayer my way! :)

Good luck on your run. I hope you feel better. Enjoy the weekend.
ReplyDeleteAHH, Target Field! I'm a Minnesota native who's been going to school in Illinois for the last four years, so I haven't made it to the new field yet. From all the pictures I've seen, though, it looks incredible. :) Also if you're looking for a fun run and feel like doing a 10K, there's a "Women Rock!" race in Minneapolis on Labor Day weekend where you get champagne and chocolate at the end, and hot firefighters hand you your medal. I'm going to try the half marathon! :)
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog. What got my attention was Cows....I LOVE cows. I love cows so much that I slept with a stuffedd cow until I had kids and then designed a tattoo of the stuffed cow (his name is Cowvin btw). As I readd your blog I saw you mention nail polish, which is another addiction of mine. Have you tried the Sinful colors brand? Its at Rite Aide and Target I think. For only 2.00 it sure has staying power, and great coverage