It's 7:20 on Friday. My weekend is officially here. Alleluia.
There was a few low points of this week, but most importantly, there were a LOT of high points.
It's hard to narrow it down to just five, but here we go.
1. First and foremost, figuring out how to make an Instagram collage definitely deserves to make this list. Yeah me!
2. My beautiful little niece turns three tomorrow and I can't wait to celebrate it with her! I love this picture of her from her first birthday; she's changed so much since then. Happy Birthday Avery May Stark!
3. I am also super excited to have a weekend planned with nothing planned. Does that even make sense? If Mark and I want to do nothing all weekend, we can. It's been awhile since we have had a weekend like that and I definitely looking forward to it.
4. High-five #4 is that we finally took time to catch up with some friends that we have been MIA on lately. We got together with our fabulous friends at lunch dates, pizza at Castle Rock, happy hour at Dundas and Bingo at Millersburg and we still have the whole weekend ahead.
5. Finally, my last high-five is for finding the mysterious last disk to the Vince Flynn book I have been listening to on CD. Do you know how annoying it is to get to the MOST intense part of the book to realize that your husband forgot to put the last CD back in the case? Ugh.
By the way, I know Vince Flynn is totally a "guys" author, but the audio book is an awesome way to pass my 2-hour commute everyday. The book was actually pretty good and I am excited that Mark has a couple more for me to listen to. Anyone else listen to audio books? Any good suggestions?
And a little side note, I know I am posting this at 1 pm on Saturday. I definitely wrote it yesterday but I somehow got distracted! oops!
Have a great weekend!

Vince Flynn is a FANTASTIC author, and even if they're typically guys' books, I've read them all at least twice!