I am sure it would be 100% appropriate to start this post with an introduction.
It could go something like, "Hi. My name is Jamie and I used to blog."
Or "Hey, I am that person who writes that blog that you stop by to read just to continously be disappointed that there is nothing new."
Or better yet, "Hi. I'm Jamie. I want to blog. I think in blogs. My mind has lists of things to blog about. I take pictures of random things to post on my blog. And then I
never blog."
Yep, any of them would work.
HOWEVER, I am not posting any of that.
I am just here to say that I solemnly swear that I am really going to give this 110% this time. Please hold me accountable.
Because here is the thing, I really honestly want to blog.
I wasn't kidding, my mind actually functions in 400-word blog posts. I drive home (on my ridiculously long drive) and write a post in my head summarizing my day. I see something at the mall and I draft up a mini-post ranting about the ridiculousness. I photograph everything I experience because I know how a picture is truly worth a thousand words.
It's how I function. I don't know if it's my education, my profession or just a weird quirk. Regardless, the result is that I have a
whole library of blogs in my head that I didn't get to writing this summer.
Prime example, how did I manage not to write about the
MN State Fair? I purposely took pictures of all the different food that I ate so I could share it with you.
Case in point, the best food on a stick you will ever eat is below. I don't even want to know how many calories is in it. This was probably one of eight or ten servings I bought at the Great MN Get Together.
And I wondered where my money went....
deep fried mashed potatoes. |
Or, I don't know, maybe I should posted about the time my husband and I got to pose with a
really big check and purple banner that we just won?
That was a fun day. MJP Purfeerst Lut 104 (our Angus bull we have been showing this summer) had another great day in Minnesota and won Supreme Champion Bull at the Minnesota State Fair. Plus, added bonus, next year when we walk into the MN State Fair Cattle Barn we will be hanging from a
HUGE banner with the rest of the Supreme Champions. Pretty darn cool.
we even had to drive to Wisconsin (no beer off sale in MN on Sunday) to get some celebratory beer! |
I definitely should have wrote about
our trip to Milwaukee, our
week at the lake, or the Twins game we unsuccessfully scalped tickets at. And I wanted to rant for two weeks straight about how much I hated inserting my butt into my car seat just to sit in traffic for an hour and a half each way. But let's be real, there are a lot of things I
could rant about, however they are probably better left unposted.
random date night at Target Field. Note to self: Don't let Mark be in charge of tickets. |
Oh and don't even get me started on the
P. Farms Corn Reports I missed. In short:
It rained A LOT, it didn't rain for almost too long, then we got blessed and it rained again finally, but unfortunately the rest of
corn country wasn't so lucky, so prices shot through the roof. This resulted in me checking corn prices every two hours so I could call my husband and convince him to sell some corn.
In fact, I almost had Mark convinced that I should quit my day job and become a grain marketer. Then we remembered I have no idea how to do that. He went to school for that, not me. Fast forward a month, and now I never see my husband because we are trying to get that crop out of the field. I am officially a harvest widow.
Say hello to my husbands new home. |
Lucky for you, my life as a new farm wife is something I definitely still have time to blog about. In fact, it's penciled in for this week.
And potentially the most important blog I missed is the exciting news about the
new camera in my life that should make this blog 7,000 times better.
Yes, I fell victim to the beautiful things at National Camera Exchange. I am not ashamed. |
However, that post is for Thursday.
And that's where I sign off. See you tomorrow, same place, same time, for some inspiration. Lately, I have been lacking it.
Glad to be friends again!