{2012 In Review | January 2012 - Upper Left; December 2012 - Lower Right} |
2012 has come & gone, but before it's forgotten I wanted to put
together a post with some of my favorite photos from the year. Above is photo collage featuring a favorite memory/event/highlight from each month starting with January in the upper left and reading left to right from top to bottom ending with December in the lower right.
Here's a little key:
Jan: Mexico!
Feb: Back To NDSU
Mar: Little Bro's Big Win
April: First 5k
May: Eric Church
June: Cattle Shows
July: MJP Lut Wins!
Aug: Mashed Potatoes On A Stick & Fairs
Sept: Blakeman Turns 1
Oct: Harvest
Nov: Breaking Cattle
Dec: Homemade Christmas
Did you catch all that?
If not, here's a really quick month-by-month breakdown:
January: January brought my first every warm weather vacation and I loved every second of it. Free drinks, beach reading & a tan? Can a girl ask for anything better? I will take one every January.
February: The highlight of February was that it was
simply normal. Despite a quick work trip to the Gaylord Opryland hotel (which I will admit is completely ridiculous in its own right) in Nashville,
I did a lot of relaxing, a little bit of crocheting and wasted a lot of hours watching Gossip Girl. Plus, we made a super fun trip back to our alma matter and I watched one of my favorites win Little I champion.
March: March brought amazingly warm weather so I decided to train for that
what seemed like a marathon 5K I vowed to run. I also spent a lot of hours in the barn with my husband and we made a trip to SDSU to watch my little brother dominate the Little I sho.
April: A lot of things happened in April but none of them hold a candle to
my first 5k. I was the girl who hated, maybe even despised, running and I did it.
3.1 miles conquered. It was a great feeling.
May: May is my birthday month so it was bound to be fabulous. We celebrated with an awesome trip to
Church on a Thursday (
Eric Church, friends!), a few trips to
Twins game, a weekend trip to the lake and a lot of family time.
June: I could describe June with two words.
Cattle. Shows. Luckily I got to spend a lot of time with the four people below and good cattle which made all of the sweat & disgustingness worth it. Another highlight? I donated my hair to someone who needed it more than me. Check that one off my
101 in 1001 list.
{Maynard, Jason, Matt & Mark - my summer travel companions.} |
July: Would you even be surprised if I said July brought
even more cattle shows? This resulted in NO blogging and a lot of road time, but the purple banner from Louisville and a new maroon jacket for my little brother made the road trips completely worth it.
{MJP Lut & the Purfeerst family} |
August: August was a bittersweet month for the May family. We had a lot of lasts. The last 4-H steer in the cooler, the last Dakota County 4-H beef show, the last championship drive as a nervous sibling and the last Minnesota State Fair auction. It was a fun run and we came a long way from that skinny dairy steer Andy May showed nearly 20 years ago. August was also the month we packed Jason up and sent him off to Kansas...and didn't anything hear from him for 2 and a half weeks.
By the way, the picture in the center square of the collage at the top of the page is my favorite photo of the year. I am so lucky to have all of them.
September: September flew by. We spent the month breaking calves and harvesting corn -
a definite snapshot of the rest of my life. It was also a learning month for me. I learned how to rip (
think tractor & field work), how to weigh corn and what it meant to officially be a farm wife. (
You can read more about that here.)
October: October 2012 will forever
go down in the record books. Last year I was worried that everyone would be harvesting corn on my wedding day; in 2012, our last kernel was tucked safely in the bin on
October 7th. Regardless of how unheard of it was, it meant I got my husband back, which was a definitely plus.
November: November marked
one year as husband and wife for Mark & I. Our first year made me a firm believer in the power of marriage - you may have the very best relationship, but I promise,
it will even get better when you say "I do" and I love that.
{christmas favorites | tree, skiing & mittens} |
December: And then there was December. Could you agree that December was a
completely exhausting month? Maybe we should blame it on my Type A personality that vowed to make everyone I know a homemade Christmas gift (
there will definitely be a blog about how this might not have been the best idea) or that my kitchen became a mitten-making factory for a few weeks or that I am obsessive-compulsive when it comes to wrapping paper?
Anyway, besides the stress,
December was the best. I learned how to ski, spent a lot of time with friends, was able to see my crazy family a lot and had a really gorgeous red & green house for a few weeks. There is nothing better in my opinion.
And now it's January 10th. If the last 10 days are any indication of what's to come in 2013, it will be full of both challenges and blessings. And hopefully a lot more photos that capture more fantastic memories. :)