Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3 in 30 | May

Happy May! 

You might not know this, but May is my month! It's when good things tend to happen in my life - it's my birthday month, my last name month and hopefully finally when spring comes. I am definitely looking forward to productivity, fun and sunshine. And with May, comes another 3 in 30.

Goal 1: Buy a car. 
I can't put it off any longer. The Alero needs to go. Thanks for all of your comments on my recent blog about car shopping; they all were so helpful! I am actually now leaning towards a Camry, everyone had good reviews. I am hoping that by June 1 I am a new (or newer than what I have) car owner, regardless of how stressful it is.

Goal 2: Exercise everyday.
I like my gym, but this month I am expanding my limits and goals. I want to exercise everyday, but it doesn't have to be in the gym or watching a video, it can be a walk during lunch, a bike ride at night or an ab workout before bed, but regardless, I need to do some physical activity everyday. Summer is coming, I need to not only get in shape...but get outside and enjoy some sun!

Goal 3: Stop drinking pop.
Oofta, that was hard to type. Mountain Dew, our relationship is over. No pop all month. Hopefully, if I can kick it for a month, I can kick it forever. Water, juice, tea, milk, coffee, beer...there is a lot of things to replace pop with right? (Note: I am not counting drinks as pop, that just has to happen sometimes!)

Just in case you were wondering, my April 3 in 30 was pretty close to a success story. If I had to grade it, I would give it a solid B, which means I definitely have room for improvement.

Goal 1: Snap Fitness 3X/week.
Well, I didn't regularly make a 3 a week. But at least once or twice. And, I am making it to my mission to make it 5 days this week, a good start in May will help balance out bad days near the end.

Goal 2: Make a Kate Ries bag.

Well, I realized I am no Kate Ries, but I did manage to complete one bag. It's not perfect, but it is a good start. I have two more to make and at least now I know what not to do. Next bag, I will take some pictures and show you how to get a little creative yourself!

Goal 3: Attack my wedding list.
This is where I get my first F of my life. May has to be better or simply you all aren't gonna be happy come November 5. I did make a list though, so hopefully that will help and this week I have two appointments set up. It's a start.

1 comment:

  1. May is a great month--esp May 28, right?!?! Good luck with your goals--esp the soda! I'm giving up french fries! Do you know how boring McDonald's is without them?!?! I know you are determined and I know you can do anything you set your mind too! Oh, and Camrys are GREAT cars--I have had two! Loved them both!
