Thursday, April 28, 2011

Find of The Week: The Blue Door Boutique

I am in love, I am in love and I don't care who knows it!

Well, that might be a bit over the top, but not to far off. The Blue Door Boutique is a shop that offers gorgeous clothes for a not too ridiculous price that I currently love.

A Classy, Southern Wife introduced me to this little piece of goodness and I can't imagine that my first order will be too far off.

Here are my favorites so far: 

Fringe-back Blush Dress
How can you not love this back?!?

And if your not in love with anything yet, don't worry, they constantly get new things...which is good and bad.

Oh and kuddos to the gorgeous stylist from Blue Door who is rocking all these outfits, she not only makes me want to go workout ASAP but she makes me want to spend my money even faster. If I didn't have a really big purchase coming up, I just might have.

Oh and the eve of my birthday month is approaching, so feel free to keep The Blue Door Boutique in mind. They ship. :)


  1. Jamie, we just stumbled across your blog and I am completely flattered by your kind words about not only our boutique but also, myself! Please send me an email with your address because I want to send you a little "happy" because no one should miss a birthday! My email address is
    I look forward to talking to you soon
    Kimberly (pictured up there!)

  2. Jamie!

    Loving what you picked out so far!

    Here are my faves:

    Love your blog! Good luck wedding planning! :)

    Amanda Radke
