Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Ag Week!

A little late, but heck, we might as well stretch this out as long as possible?

In case you didn't know, it was National Ag Week last week. Of course, National Ag Week presents an awfully good time to celebrate National Ag Day, which this year was March 15th.

The Twitter community was absolutely awesome to be a part of on National Ag Day. Agvocates bombarded twitterverse with great and interesting ag facts that even I was in impressed with. So in doing my part to elongate the celebration, I have gathered a list of my favorites #AgDay facts. Make sure to memorize one or two and next time you have to share a random fact at a meeting or meet someone who doesn't know much about our industry, make sure your share!

And mark March 31st down on your calendar as Thank A Farmer Thursday. It's another great holiday you won't want to miss. Without farmers, you would be cold, naked, hungry and probably low on gas.
  • There are now 29 USDA lean cuts of beef in contrast to only 7 in 1990.
  • Each silk on an ear of corn produces one kernel. An ear of corn averages 800 kernels in 16 rows.
  • More than 97 percent of beef cattle farms and ranches are classified as family farms.
  •  There are more than 1 mil. beef producers in the U.S. who are responsible for more than 94 mil. head of cattle.  
  • The U.S. supplies 25% of the world’s beef with 10% of the world’s cattle 
  • Americans consume 17.3 bill quarts of popcorn/year!The average American eats about 68 quarts.
  • One American farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people.
  • Milk contains 9 essential nutrients including calcium, potassium, and vitamin D.
  • Agricultural land provides habitat for 75 percent of the nation's wildlife.
  • Today farmers grow 70% more corn with each pound of fertilizer than they did in 1970.
  • Americans eat about 30 pounds of lettuce per year, about five times more than early 1900s
  • Hamburgers from 1 steer would equal 720 1/4 lb. burgers, enough for a family of 4 to enjoy hamburgers each day for nearly 6 months.
  • Almost 80 percent of the total land area in Texas is in some type of agricultural production.

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