Friday, December 31, 2010

Reflecting on 2010

It's funny how a year can fly by.

Looking forward, it seems like 365 days is a lifetime; but looking back, its really just a blur.

It's the last day of 2010 and I am bound and determined to make it a good one.  I have a great boss who gave me the day off, I have my family at home, I made what is going to be a to-die-for pot of chili and I have carefree night to spend with people I love.  I don't really see how it could go wrong.

Tomorrow, I plan on blogging about my goals for 2011, but today I think it is important to look back and say an extra prayer to the man upstairs for blessing me like he has. 

In the last 365 days, I have traveled the country looking at good livestock, met some of the most highly respected producers in the country, made some great memories with even better friends, spent a month in France, got to go to every cattle show imaginable, impressed myself in the reasons room, spent a week in Puerto Rico with one of the most prestigious food marketing companies in the world, said goodbye to Fargo, graduated, got engaged, moved home and started a full-time job at BEEF magazine. 

No wonder it's been a whirlwind?  Part of me, expects 2011 to be a little bit slow after this year...but I doubt it.  I have a wedding to plan, a career to establish and a life to create back home.  I am excited, I am ready and I can't wait for all the new adventures in 2011.

Enjoy your celebration tonight, I hope you spend it with all of your favorite people...but before you start planning the year to ahead, stop and remember how far you have come.  Whether it was a good year or a bad, it is now a part of you and it has changed who you now are.  Enjoy your last day of 2010.  :)

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