Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Homeward Bound

I will be home before I know it!

Back home everyone needs to just go to sleep once and I will be home. :)  Over here, I technically should be going to sleep almost twice, but regardless I will be home soon!

To be honest, I am going to miss this place terribly.  My host family has become such great friends and the relaxed atmosphere and stress free living was much needed!  I tend to run and run and run and here, the closest thing I did to running was walking fast to the pastry shop to get a pain de chocolate.

People are right when they say it is a whole different culture over here, but truly I don't mind the differences.  They may not use GMOs or hormones in their beef, but they do have this local pride and friendly spirit that is contagious!

I am going to keep it short and brief because I need to finish up a few things before I catch my train to head to Paris, but look back in the next couple of days--I have so much to tell you about Angers.  I have three blogs started that needed to be completed with pictures even!

See you soon!  Call me, text me, Facebok me or visit me...I can not wait to hear what ya'll have been doing for the last 30 days!

Did I really just say ya'll?  I have been spending way to much time with these Texas people! :)

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